We are proud to announce the launch of our updated and improved website 100 days prior to the 2015 Westminster Fallfest. The website has evolved over the past several years since bringing Brian Wagner of Dabldo (formerly Brian Wagner Web Designs) in December, 2011. Initial improvements then focused on a centralizing website data to store volunteer and vendor information while providing the public with accessible, accurate, and easy to locate information. Each year the site has become more complex and more interactive, adding a mobile compatible interface in 2014.

Technology has moved forward at a steady and leap frogging pace difficult to keep up with at times. The result is a completely redesigned website with many additional features to help you better experience and interact with Fallfest.

2015 Improvements Include:

  • Extremely mobile friendly interface for cell phone and tablet computers on all operating systems. (Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, etc.)
  • Improvements to desktop interfaces between multiple platforms. (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome)
  • Search features allowing you to key word search for information on our site.
  • Share buttons to allow you to link our page to YOUR social media and blog outlets.
  • Improved Search Engine Optomization (SEO) to help you better find our site online!
  • Visitors may now comment on certain posts and page information.
  • Security updates for database and content protection.

It has been a pleasure working with the Fallfest Board of Directors and I look forward to several more years of being part of this team.

-Brian Wagner, Dabldo

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